The average house price on EDEN CLOSE is £359,802
The most expensive house in the street is 17 EDEN CLOSE with an estimated value of £445,164
The cheapest house in the street is 11 EDEN CLOSE with an estimated value of £258,148
The house which was most recently sold was 10 EDEN CLOSE, this sold on 11 Feb 2022 for £335,000
The postcode for EDEN CLOSE is SY2 5YW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 EDEN CLOSE Detached , 103 m2 £369,335 £239,950 25 Jul 2014
2 EDEN CLOSE Detached , 122 m2 £346,947 £260,000 19 Oct 2016
3 EDEN CLOSE Detached , 86 m2 £298,450 £235,000 17 Nov 2017
4 EDEN CLOSE Detached £399,774 £248,500 4 May 2007
5 EDEN CLOSE Detached £358,899 £83,000 27 Aug 1999
7 EDEN CLOSE Detached £414,971 £93,000 14 May 1999
10 EDEN CLOSE Detached , 98 m2 £353,913 £335,000 11 Feb 2022
11 EDEN CLOSE Detached , 96 m2 £258,148 £200,000 30 Jun 2017
15 EDEN CLOSE Detached , 112 m2 £352,423 £209,000 30 Mar 2013
17 EDEN CLOSE Detached £445,164 £77,500 2 Aug 1995